Welcome to the CALC/MCL Lab at the University of Passau
Our group develops computer-assisted frameworks for historical linguistics and linguistic typology and thus contributes to multilingual approaches in computational linguistics. We apply the methods too address key questions in historical linguistics, linguistic typology, and human cognition. We pursue an interdisciplinary approach that adapts methods from computer science and bioinformatics for the use in computational linguistics. While purely computational approaches are common today, our research focuses on the communication between classical and computational linguists, developing interfaces that allow comparative linguists to produce their data in machine readable formats while at the same time presenting the results of computational analyses in a transparent and human-readable way. The group started as the CALC (Computer-Assisted Language Comparison) Lab at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena (later Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig). From 2023 on, the CALC Lab is represented by the Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics (MCL) at the University of Passau.
News Archive
New Blog Post (Post from 28.01.2025 by F. Blum)
Yesterday, we published a new blogpost on How to Run EDICTOR 3 Locally. It introduced the workflow of setting up your local PC in order to run the new EDICTOR 3 release on your own computer instead of relying on online servers. It also introduces the necessary preprocessing, package installments, and configuration settings.
EDICTOR3 offers many ways of comparing language data with computer-assisted methods. This study offers a short overview of how to run EDICTOR3 locally, without the need for uploading the data to a server or being connected to the internet, while maintaining all the functionalities. In a first step, we will show how one can download a Lexibank dataset and create different types of files that one can use with EDICTOR. We will then proceed to present the possibility of running an EDICTOR server locally and to edit the dataset that one has downloaded.
The post can be found online here or in article form via its DOI.
Resources Developed in our Projects
Apart from analyses presented in form of papers and talks, our research on computer-assisted language comparison produces various kinds of resources which help colleagues to pursue computer-assisted research themselves. Please don't hesitate to contact us whenever you have questions regarding the resources which you will find on this side. In most cases, you will find more detailed information when following the links to the respective project pages.
Publications of Our Group
Preprints (not peer reviewed)
Bocklage, K., A. Di Natale, A. Tjuka, and J.-M. List (2024): Directional Tendencies in Semantic Change. Humanities Commons 2024.2. 1-28. [Preprint, under review, not peer-reviewed]
semantic changesemantic motivationcross-linguistic tendenciesPSCALC³
List, J.-M. (2024): Modeling Sound Change with Ordered Layers of Simultaneous Sound Laws. Humanities Commons 2024.3. 1-26. [Preprint, under review, not peer-reviewed]
sound changemodelingsound lawsPSCALC³
Gong, X., N. Hill, S. Knights, and J.-M. List (2023): Computer-Assisted Approaches to Rule-Based Phonological Reconstruction. Humanities Commons 2023.1. 1-19. [Preprint, under review, not peer-reviewed]
rule-based phonological reconstructioncomputer-assisted language comparisonProto-BurmishPSCALC³
Schweikhard, N. (2021): Semantic relations in diachronic word families. Humanities Commons 0.0. . [Preprint, under review, not peer-reviewed]
semantic changeword formationlexical typologyCALC
Kučerová, A. and J.-M. List (forthcoming): Everybody Likes to Sleep: A Computer-Assisted Comparison of Object Naming Data from 30 Languages. In: Proceedings of the Global WordNet Conference 2025. 1-9.
object namingcross-linguistic tendenciesConcepticonPS
List, J.-M. (forthcoming): Productive Signs: A computer-assisted analysis of evolutionary, typological, and cognitive dimensions of word families. In: : Focus Streams of the International Conference of Linguists. 1-12.
word familieslexical compositionalitycomputer-assisted language comparisonPS
List, J.-M. (forthcoming): Computational approaches to historical language comparison. In: Bowern, C. and B. Evans (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Historical Linguistics. Routledge: London and New York. 1-20.
overviewhistorical language comparisoncomputer-assisted language comparisonCALC
Schweikhard, N. and J. List (forthcoming): Modeling word trees in historical linguistics. Preliminary ideas for the reconciliation of word trees and language trees. In: Sprach(en)forschung: Disziplinen und Interdisziplinarität. Akten der 27. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen.
computational historical linguisticsdata managementmorphologyCALC
Papers from 2024
Blum, F., C. Barrientos, A. Ingunza, and J.-M. List (2024): Cognate reflex prediction as hypothesis test for a genealogical relation between the Panoan and Takanan language families. Scientific Reports 14.30636. 1-12.
Pano-Tacananreflex predictionregistered studyPSCALC³
Pulini, M. and J.-M. List (2024): Finding language-internal cognates in Old Chinese. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 17.1. 53-72.
language-internal cognatesword familiesOld ChinesePS
Tjuka, A. and J.-M. List (2024): Partial colexifications reveal directional tendencies in object naming. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 12.1. 95-114.
colexificationsdirectionalitybody partsPSCALC³
Dhakal, D., J.-M. List, and S. Roberts (2024): A phylogenetic study of South-Western Tibetic. Journal of Language Evolution 0.0. 1-15.
Tibetic langugesphylogenetic analysiscognate annotationPS
Sakhamo, T. and K. van Dam (2024): Social Structure of Porba. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS -- I). 351-357.
Porbasocial structuresociologyMCL
Nieder, J., R. van de Vijver, and A. Ussishkin (2024): Emerging Roots: Investigating Early Access to Meaning in Maltese Auditory Word Recognition. Cognitive Science 48.11. 1-36.
Malteseearly lexical accessmeaningMCL
Blum, F., L. Paschen, R. Forkel, S. Fuchs, and F. Seifart (2024): Consonant lengthening marks the beginning of words across a diverse sample of languages. Nature Human Behaviour 8.10. 1-20.
DoReCoBayesian statisticsCLDFCALC³
Rubehn, A., S. Montemagni, and J. Nerbonne (2024): Extracting Tuscan phonetic correspondences from dialect pronunciations automatically. Language Dynamics and Change 14.1. 1-33.
sound correspondencesdialectologyinformation theoryPS
List, J.-M., N. Hill, F. Blum, and C. Juárez (2024): Grouping sounds into evolving units for the purpose of historical language comparison [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Open Research Europe 4.34. 1-13.
grouping soundscomputer-assisted language comparisonphonetic alignmentsPSCALC³
List, J.-M. and K. van Dam (2024): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison with EDICTOR 3 [Invited Paper]. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change. 1-11.
computer-assisted language comparisoninteractive toolannotationPS
Rubehn, A., J. Nieder, R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2024): Generating Feature Vectors from Phonetic Transcriptions in Cross-Linguistic Data Formats. Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 7.1. 205-216.
phonological featuresvector representationcross-linguistic transcription systemsPS
List, J.-M. (2024): Open problems in computational historical linguistics [version 2; peer review: 3 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. Open Research Europe 3.201. 1-22.
open problemscomputational historical linguisticsscientific practicePS
Forkel, R., J.-M. List, C. Rzymski, and G. Segerer (2024): Linguistic Survey of India and Polyglotta Africana: Two Retrostandardized Digital Editions of Large Historical Collections of Multilingual Wordlists. In: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). 10578-10583.
Pulini, M. and J.-M. List (2024): First Steps Towards the Integration of Resources on Historical Glossing Traditions in the History of Chinese: A Collection of Standardized Fǎnqiè Spellings from the Guǎngyùn. In: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). 7343-7348.
fǎnqiè spellingsChinese charactersChinese Historical PhonologyPS
Tjuka, A., R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2024): Universal and cultural factors shape body part vocabularies. Scientific Reports 14.10486. 1-12.
CLICSbody partscolexificationsPSIMPRS
Pache, M. (2024): Tracing sound change in Nasa Yuwe (western Colombia): evidence from Andaqui (western Colombia) and Misumalpan languages (Central America). LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas 24. e024003.
language isolateSouth American languagessound changePS
Nieder, J. and J.-M. List (2024): A computational model for the assessment of mutual intelligibility among closely related languages. In: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics 37-43.
mutual intelligibilitylinear-discriminative learningGermanic languagesPSCALC³
Häuser, L., G. Jäger, T. Rama, J.-M. List, and A. Stamatakis (2024): Are sounds sound for phylogenetic reconstruction?. In: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics 78-87.
phylogenetic reconstructionsound correspondence patternsMaximum LikelihoodPSCALC³
Kim, Y. and A. Tjuka (2024): Cognitive science from the perspective of linguistic diversity. Cognitive Science 48.2. 1-5.
cognitive sciencelinguistic diversityconceptsCALC³
Blum, F., J. Englisch, A. Hermida-Rodríguez, R. Gijn, and J.-M. List (2024): Resource Acquisition for Understudied Languages: Extracting Wordlists from Dictionaries for Computer-assisted Language Comparison. In: 3rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages. ELRA-ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages 300-306.
CLDFdictionarieswordlist creationPSCALC³
Forkel, R. and J.-M. List (2024): Cross-Linguistic Data Formats (CLDF): D’où Venons Nous? Que Sommes Nous? Où Allons Nous?. In: Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum 2024. 1-5.
CLDFCLLDcross-linguistic dataMCL
Blum, F., C. Barrientos, R. Zariquiey, and J.-M. List (2024): A comparative wordlist for investigating distant relations among languages in Lowland South America. 11.92. .
produseymdatasetdata noteCALC³
Papers from 2023
List, J.-M., N. Hill, R. Forkel, and F. Blum (2023): Representing and computing uncertainty in phonological reconstruction. In: : Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change. Singapur. 22-32.
fuzzy reconstructionslinguistic reconstructioncomputer-assisted language comparisonPSCALC³
Blum, F., C. Barrientos, A. Ingunza, D. Blasi, and R. Zariquiey (2023): Grammars Across Time Analyzed (GATA): a dataset of 52 languages. Scientific Data 10.835. 1-11.
grammatical datadatasetdata noteCALC³
Anderson, C., T. Tresoldi, S. Greenhill, R. Forkel, R. Gray, and J.-M. List (2023): Variation in phoneme inventories: quantifying the problem and improving comparability. Journal of Language Evolution 0.0. 1-20.
Lai, Y. and J.-M. List (2023): Lexical data for the historical comparison of Rgyalrongic languages [version 2; peer review: 3 approved]. Open Research Europe 3.99. 1-23.
Rgyalrongic languagescomparative wordlistpartial cognatesPSCALC³
List, J.-M. (2023): Evolutionary aspects of language change. In: Crest, A., M. Valković, A. Ariew, H. Desmond, P. Huneman, and T. Reydon (eds.): Evolutionary thinking across disciplines. Problems and perspectives in generalized Darwinism. Springer: Berlin and New York. 103-124.
computational historical linguisticshistory of linguisticsoverviewCALC
List, J.-M. (2023): Inference of partial colexifications from multilingual wordlists. Frontiers in Psychology 14.1156540. 1-10.
partial colexificationsCLDFlexical root productivityPSCALC³
Tjuka, A., R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2023): Curating and extending data for language comparison in Concepticon and NoRaRe [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]. Open Research Europe 2.141. 1-13.
Blum, F. and J.-M. List (2023): Trimming phonetic alignments improves the inference of sound correspondence patterns from multilingual wordlists. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics 52-64.
phonetic alignmenttrimmingcorrespondence patternsPSCALC³
Steuer, J., B. Abdulla, J.-M. List, and D. Klakow (2023): Information-theoretic characterization of vowel harmony: A cross-linguistic study on word lists. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics 96-109.
wordlistsvowel harmonycross-linguistic studyPSCALC³
Miller, J. and J.-M. List (2023): Detecting lexical borrowings from dominant languages in multilingual wordlists. In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Short Papers. Association of Computational Linguistics 2591-2597.
CLDFLatin American Languagesborrowing detectionPSCALC³
Lai, Y. (2023): Lenition alternation in West Gyalrongic and its implications for Southeast Asian panchronic phonology. Diachronica 40.3. 341-383.
Gyalrongiclenition alternationSino-TibetanCALC
Greenhill, S., H. Haynie, R. Ross, A. Chira, J.-M. List, L. Campbell, C. Botero, and R. Gray (2023): A recent Northern origin for the Uto-Aztecan family. Language 0.0. 1-27.
Uto-Aztecanphylogenetic reconstructionhomelandCALC
Wu, M.-S. and J.-M. List (2023): Annotating cognates in phylogenetic studies of South-East Asian languages. Language Dynamics and Change 13.2. 61-197.
phylogenetic reconstructionChinese dialectscognate annotationCALC
Tjuka, A. (2023): Body part extensions with mặt ‘face’ in Vietnamese. In: Pattillo, K. and M. Waśniewska (eds.): Embodiment in Cross-Linguistic Studies: The ‘Face’. Brill: Leiden.
Vietnamesecolexificationbody partsCALCIMPRS
Zariquiey, R., J. Vera, S. Greenhill, P. Valenzuela, R. Gray, and J.-M. List (2023): Untangling the evolution of body-part terminology in Pano: conservative versus innovative traits in body-part lexicalization. Interface Focus 13.20220053. .
phylogenetic reconstructionsomatic suffixesPanoan languagesCALC³
Blum, F., C. Barrientos, A. Ingunza, and Z. Poirier (2023): A phylolinguistic classification of the Quechua language family. INDIANA - Anthropological Studies on Latin America and the Caribbean 40.1. 29-54.
phylogeny of Quechuacognate datacomparative wordlistCALC³
Regúnaga, M. and F. Blum (2023): Introducción al dossier “Avances en lingüística andina” (1º parte). INDIANA - Estudios Antropológicos sobre América Latina y el Caribe 40.1. 25-28.
introductionspecial issueCALC³
Papers from 2022
List, J.-M. (2022): Chances and challenges for quantitative approaches in Chinese Historical Phonology. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 15.1. 131-143.
Chinese historical linguisticsChinese Historical PhonologyoverviewCALC
Geisler, H. and J.-M. List (2022): Of word families and language trees: New and old metaphors in studies on language history. Moderna 24.1-2. 134-148.
history of linguisticsmetaphorslanguage evolutionCALC³
Brid, N., C. Messineo, and J.-M. List (2022): A comparative wordlist for the languages of The Gran Chaco, South America [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Open Research Europe 2.90. 1-17.
colexificationGran ChacodatabaseCALCLIGC
Wu, M.-S., T. Bodt, and T. Tresoldi (2022): Bayesian phylogenetics illuminate shallower relationships among Trans-Himalayan languages in the Tibet-Arunachal area. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 45.2. 171-210.
phylogenetic reconstructionSino-TibetanKho-BwaCALC
Hantgan, A. and J.-M. List (2022): Bangime: secret language, language isolate, or language island? A computer‐assisted case study. Papers in Historical Phonology 7.1. 1-43.
BangimeDogonborrowing detectionCALC
List, J.-M., E. Vylomova, R. Forkel, N. Hill, and R. Cotterell (2022): The SIGTYP shared task on the prediction of cognate reflexes. In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics 52-62.
reflex predictioncognate detectionshared taskCALC³
Brid, N., J.-M. List, and C. Messineo (2022): Las lenguas del Chaco desde la perspectiva de la semántica léxica. Análisis preliminar de patrones léxicos compartidos en el dominio etnobiológico [The languages of the Gran Chaco from the perspective of lexical semantics. Preliminary analysis of shared lexical structures in the ethnobotanical domain]. LIAMES 22.022005. 1-21.
colexificationGran Chacopartial colexificationCALCLIGC
List, J.-M., R. Forkel, S. Greenhill, C. Rzymski, J. Englisch, and R. Gray (2022): Lexibank, A public repository of standardized wordlists with computed phonological and lexical features. Scientific Data 9.316. 1-31.
repositoryCLDFwordlist collectionCALC
List, J.-M., N. Hill, and R. Forkel (2022): A new framework for fast automated phonological reconstruction using trimmed alignments and sound correspondence patterns. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change. Association of Computational Linguistics 89-96.
phonological reconstructionsupport vector machinetrimmed alignmentsCALC³
Jackson, J., J. Watts, J.-M. List, C. Puryear, R. Drabble, and K. Lindquist (2022): From text to thought: How analyzing language can advance psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science 17.3. 805-826.
psychologycomparative linguisticslanguage analysisCALC
Tjuka, A., R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2022): Linking norms, ratings, and relations of words and concepts across multiple language varieties. Behavior Research Methods 54. 864–884.
psychologycross-linguistic databasenorm dataCALCIMPRS
Hantgan, A., H. Babiker, and J.-M. List (2022): First steps towards the detection of contact layers in Bangime: A multi-disciplinary, computer-assisted approach [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Open Research Europe 2.10. 1-16.
Bangimeborrowing detectionlanguage contactCALC
Gates, J., S. Honkasalo, and Y. Lai (2022): From transitive to intransitive and voiceless to voiced in Proto-Sino-Tibetan. Language and Linguistics / 語言暨語言學 23.2. 212-239.
Lai, Y. (2022): When internal reconstruction goes further: proposing the vowel system of Pre-Khroskyabs through examining bound state apophony. Folia Linguistica 0.0. .
Khroskyabsinternal reconstructionvowel systemCALC
List, J.-M. and R. Forkel (2022): Automated identification of borrowings in multilingual wordlists [version 3; peer review: 4 approved]. Open Research Europe 1.79. 1-30.
automated borrowing detectionCLDFLingRexCALC
Bodt, T. and J.-M. List (2022): Reflex prediction. A case study of Western Kho-Bwa. Diachronica 39.1. 1-38.
reflex predictionpreregistered studyWestern Kho-BwaCALC
Tresoldi, T., C. Rzymski, R. Forkel, S. Greenhill, J.-M. List, and R. Gray (2022): Managing historical linguistic data for computational phylogenetics and computer-assisted language comparison [with accompanying tutorial]. In: Berez-Kroeker, A., B. McDonnell, E. Koller, and L. Collister (eds.): Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. MIT Press: Massachusetts. 1-15.
computational historical linguisticsdata managementphylogeneticsCALC
List, J.-M. (2022): Correcting a bias in TIGER rates resulting from high amounts of invariant and singleton cognate sets. Journal of Language Evolution 0.0. 1-6.
TIGER ratesphylogenetic reconstructiontree-likenessCALC
Papers from 2021
Geisler, H., R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2021): A digital, retro-standardized edition of the Tableaux Phonétiques des Patois Suisses Romands (TPPSR). In: Avanzi, M., N. LoVecchio, A. Millour, and A. Thibault (eds.): Nouveaux regards sur la variation dialectale. Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie: Strasbourg. 13-36.
TPPSRdialect atlascross-linguistic data formatsCALC
List, J. (2021): Computer-assisted approaches to historical language comparison. Habilitation. Friedrich Schiller University: Jena.
historical language comparisoncomputer-assisted language comparisoncomputational historical linguisticsCALC
Evans, C., S. Greenhill, J. Watts, J.-M. List, C. Botero, R. Gray, and K. Kirby (2021): The uses and abuses of tree thinking in cultural evolution. Philosophical Transcactions of the Royal Society B 376.20200056. 1-12.
cultural evolutionreviewphylogenetic treesCALC
List, J.-M., N. Sims, and R. Forkel (2021): Towards a sustainable handling of interlinear-glossed text in language documentation. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 20.2. 1-15.
retro-standardizationinter-linear-glossed textannotationCALC
Lai, Y. (2021): Betrayal through obedience. On the history of the unusual inflectional chain in Siyuewu Khroskyabs. Linguistic Typology 0.0. 1-44.
Siyuewu Khroskyabsverbal inflectionRgyalrongic languagesCALC
Lai, Y. (2021): The complexity and history of verb-stem ablauting patterns in Siyuewu Khroskyabs. Folia Linguistica Historica 0.0. 1-52.
Siyuewu Khroskyabsablautmorphological complexityCALC
Papers from 2020
Lai, Y., X. Gong, J. Gates, and G. Jacques (2020): Tangut as a West Gyalrongic language. Folia Linguistica Historica 41.1. 171-203.
Lai, Y. (2020): Le vouleur et le roi [Transcribed and Glossed Text] [The thief and the king]. In: Guillaume, S. (ed.): Pangloss Collection. An archive for endangered languages. CNRS: Paris.
Khroskyabsinterlinear-glossed textPanglossCALC
Miller, J., T. Tresoldi, R. Zariquiey, C. Beltrán Castañón, N. Morozova, and J.-M. List (2020): Using lexical language models to detect borrowings in monolingual wordlists. PLOS One 15.12. e0242709.
borrowing detectionMarkov modelRecurrent Neural NetworkCALC
Tjuka, A. (2020): General patterns and language variation: Word frequencies across English, German, and Chinese. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon. Association for Computational Linguistics 23-32.
cross-linguistic databaseNoRaRefrequencyCALCIMPRS
Lai, Y. (2020): Review of »Sami Honkasalo: A grammar of Eastern Geshiza: A culturally anchored description. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2019«. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 83.2. 374-375.
Lai, Y. (2020): The historical development of inverse marking in Khroskyabs: evidence from two modern varieties -- Siyuewu and Wobzi. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 83.2. 259-281.
Khroskyabsargument indexationinverse markingCALC
Schweikhard, N. and J.-M. List (2020): Developing an annotation framework for word formation processes in comparative linguistics. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 17.1. 2-26.
word formationannotationcomparative linguisticsCALC
List, J.-M. (2020): Improving data handling and analysis in the study of rhyme patterns. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 49.1. 43-57.
rhyme networkrhyme analysisdata handlingCALC
Bodt, T. and J.-M. List (2020): The multiple benefits of making predictions in linguistics. Babel: The Language Magazine 31.2. 8-12.
predictionsound changecomputer-assisted language comparisonCALC
Wu, M.-S., N. Schweikhard, T. Bodt, N. Hill, and J.-M. List (2020): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison. State of the Art. Journal of Open Humanities Data 6.2. 1-14.
computer-assisted language comparisonworkflowsHmong-MienCALC
Forkel, R. and J.-M. List (2020): CLDFBench. Give your Cross-Linguistic data a lift. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. 6997‑7004.
data managmentcross-linguistic datasetsCLDFCALC
Tresoldi, T. (2020): DAFSA: a Python library for Deterministic Acyclic Finite State Automata. Journal of Open Source Software 5.46. 1986.
Power, J., G. Grimm, and J.-M. List (2020): Evolutionary dynamics in the dispersal of sign languages. Royal Society Open Science 7.1. 1-30.
sign languagephylogenetic reconstructionphylogenetic networksCALC
Rzymski, C., T. Tresoldi, S. Greenhill, M. Wu, N. Schweikhard, M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm, V. Gast, T. Bodt, A. Hantgan, G. Kaiping, S. Chang, Y. Lai, N. Morozova, H. Arjava, N. Hübler, E. Koile, S. Pepper, M. Proos, B. Epps, I. Blanco, C. Hundt, S. Monakhov, K. Pianykh, S. Ramesh, R. Gray, R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2020): The Database of Cross-Linguistic Colexifications, reproducible analysis of cross- linguistic polysemies. Scientific Data 7.13. 1-12.
Papers from 2019
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2019): Using Chinese character formation graphs to test proposals in Chinese historical phonology. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 12.2. 186-200.
network approachescharacter formationOld Chinese phonologyCALC
Jackson, J., J. Watts, T. Henry, J.-M. List, P. Mucha, R. Forkel, S. Greenhill, and K. Lindquist (2019): Emotion semantics show both cultural variation and universal structure. Science 366.6472. 1517-1522.
List, J.-M. (2019): Automated methods for the investigation of language contact situations, with a focus on lexical borrowing. Language and Linguistics Compass 13.e12355. 1-16.
overviewborrowing detectionphylogenetic networksCALC
List, J.-M. (2019): Beyond Edit Distances: Comparing linguistic reconstruction systems. Theoretical Linguistics 45.3-4. 1-10.
linguistic reconstructioncomputational historical linguisticsevaluationCALC
Zhang, S., G. Jacques, and Y. Lai (2019): A study of cognates between Gyalrong and Old Chinese. Journal of Language Relationship 17.1. 73-92.
Rgyalrong languagesOld ChineseetymologyCALC
List, J.-M., N. Hill, and C. Foster (2019): Towards a standardized annotation of rhyme judgments in Chinese historical phonology (and beyond). Journal of Language Relationship 17.1. 26-43.
rhymeOld ChineseannotationCALC
List, J.-M., Y. Lai, and G. Starostin (2019): Old Chinese and Friends: new approaches to historical linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan area. Journal of Language Relationship 17.1. 1-6.
historical linguisticsSino-Tibetancomputer-assisted language comparisonCALC
Rama, T. and J.-M. List (2019): An automated framework for fast cognate detection and Bayesian phylogenetic inference in computational historical linguistics. In: 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 6225–6235.
cognate detectionphylogenetic inferenceoptimizationCALC
Jacques, G. and J.-M. List (2019): Save the trees: Why we need tree models in linguistic reconstruction (and when we should apply them). Journal of Historical Linguistics 9.1. 128-166.
family treewave theorymethodologyCALC
Bodt, T. and J.-M. List (2019): Testing the predictive strength of the comparative method: An ongoing experiment on unattested words in Western Kho-Bwa languages. Papers in Historical Phonology 4.1. 22-44.
Kho-Bwa languagescorrespondence patternspredictionCALC
Sagart, L., G. Jacques, Y. Lai, R. Ryder, V. Thouzeau, S. Greenhill, and J.-M. List (2019): Dated language phylogenies shed light on the ancestry of Sino-Tibetan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 116. 10317-10322.
computer-assisted language comparisonSino-Tibetan originphylogenetic studyCALC
List, J.-M. (2019): Automatic inference of sound correspondence patterns across multiple languages. Computational Linguistics 1.45. 137-161.
correspondence patternssound correspondencesautomatic sequence comparisonCALC
Papers from 2018
Anderson, C., T. Tresoldi, T. Chacon, A.-M. Fehn, M. Walworth, R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2018): A Cross-Linguistic Database of Phonetic Transcription Systems. Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting 4.1. 21-53.
phonetic transcription systemscross-linguistic databasesoftware APICALC
Lai, Y. (2018): Relativisation in Wobzi Khroskyabs and the integration of genitivisation. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 41.2. 219–262.
grammaticalizationKhroskyabsSino-Tibetan morphosyntaxCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Towards a history of concept list compilation in historical linguistics. History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences 5.10. 1-14.
history of linguisticsSwadesh listconcept listCALC
Forkel, R., J.-M. List, S. Greenhill, C. Rzymski, S. Bank, M. Cysouw, H. Hammarström, M. Haspelmath, G. Kaiping, and R. Gray (2018): Cross-Linguistic Data Formats, advancing data sharing and re-use in comparative linguistics. Scientific Data 5.180205. 1-10.
cross-linguistic data formatsstandardizationreproducibilityCALC
List, J.-M., S. Greenhill, C. Anderson, T. Mayer, T. Tresoldi, and R. Forkel (2018): CLICS². An improved database of cross-linguistic colexifications assembling lexical data with help of cross-linguistic data formats. Linguistic Typology 22.2. 277-306.
computer-assisted language comparisonreference catalogcolexificationCALC
List, J.-M., M. Walworth, S. Greenhill, T. Tresoldi, and R. Forkel (2018): Sequence comparison in computational historical linguistics. Journal of Language Evolution 3.2. 130–144.
computational historical linguisticstutorialsequence comparisonCALC
Jäger, G. and J.-M. List (2018): Using ancestral state reconstruction methods for onomasiological reconstruction in multilingual word lists. Language Dynamics and Change 8.1. 22-54.
ancestral state reconstructionmaximum likelihoodsemantic reconstructionCALC
Rama, T., J.-M. List, J. Wahle, and G. Jäger (2018): Are automatic methods for cognate detection good enough for phylogenetic reconstruction in historical linguistics?. In: Proceedings of the North American Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics. 393-400.
phylogenetic reconstructionautomatic cognate detectionevaluationCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Ho well do automatic methods for language comparison work?. Latest Thinking 4.3. LTPUB10576.
interviewcognate detectionevaluationCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): More on Network Approaches in Historical Chinese Phonology (音韵学). In: The 2nd Li Fang-Kuei Society Young Scholars Symposium. 157-174.
network approachesHistorical Chinese PhonologyChinese character formationCALC
Papers from 2017
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2017): Challenges of annotation and analysis in computer-assisted language comparison: A case study on Burmish languages. Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting 3.1. 47–76.
computer-assisted approachBurmish languagesannotationCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): A web-based interactive tool for creating, inspecting, editing, and publishing etymological datasets. In: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. System Demonstrations. 9-12.
Papers from 2016
List, J.-M. (2016): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison: Reconciling Computational and Classical Approaches in Historical Linguistics . . Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History: Jena.
computer-assisted language comparisonproject proposalSino-TibetanCALC
Presentations of Our Group
Talks from 2025
Kučerová, A. (2025): Perception of Czech Speech: An Experimental Study. Talk, held at the "Kolloquium Slawische und Albanische Linguistik" (2025/01/23, Regensburg, Universität Regensburg).
phonologyintonationSlavic languagesMCL
Ciucci, L. (2025): Possessive constructions in Chamacoco (Zamucoan). Talk, held at the workshop "Exploring possession across Indigenous Central and South America: Expanding perspectives through underdescribed languages" (2025/01/17, Warsaw, Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw).
morphosyntaxnon-verbal predicationpossessionPS
Talks from 2024
Blum, F. (2024): Replicating sound symbolism: Overcoming bias and generalizability challenges in quantitative typology. Talk, held at the conference "15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology" (2024/12/04-06, Singapore, Association for Linguistic Typology).
lexibankreplicationsound symbolismCALC³
Ciucci, L. (2024): Analyzing the rediscovered dictionary of Old Zamuco by Ignace Chomé (1696-1768). Talk, held at the "Graduiertenkolloquium Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft" (2024/12/03, Passau, Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Passau).
List, J.-M. (2024): Introduction to Cross-Linguistic Colexifications. Talk, held at the "Webinar on Cross-Linguistic Colexifications" (2024/11/19, Passau, MCL Chair at the University of Passau).
Ciucci, L. (2024): Introducción a la sintaxis: énfasis en lenguas indígenas (parte 2) [Introduction to syntax: emphasis on Indigenous languages (2nd part)]. Talk, given for the lecture series "Seminario Introducción a la Documentación Lingüística de Lenguas Indígenas" (2024/11/14, Encarnación, Paraguay, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa).
syntaxGran Chaco languagesSouth American languagesPS
Ciucci, L. (2024): Ecología y lenguas indígenas [Ecology and Indigenous languages]. Talk, held at the conference "IX Seminario Internacional sobre Traducción, Investigación, Diversidad Cultural y Lingüística" (2024/10/31-11/01, San Lorenzo, Paraguay, Foundation Yvy Marãe’ỹ).
possessionclassifierslanguage and culture interactionPS
Schebesta, A. and J. Nieder (2024): Semantic transparency affects the phonetic signal. Paper, presented at the conference "20. Jahrestreffen für Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum" (2024/10/01-02, Halle, Abteilung für Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik).
Juarez, C. (2024): Spatial markers and their effects on valency: A view from Lowland South American languages. Talk, held at the conference "Langues et Langage à la croisée des Disciplines" (2024/09/09-11, Paris, LLcD).
spatial markersvalencyGuaycuruan languagesCALC³
Bocklage, K. (2024): Chances and Challenges in Compiling a Cross-Linguistic Database of Morpheme-Annotated Wordlists. Talk, held at the conference "21st International Congress of Linguistics" (2024/09/08-14, Poznań, Comité International Permanent des Linguistes).
morpheme annotationpartial cognate annotationEDICTORPS
Nieder, J. (2024): The semantics of roots and patterns in Maltese. Talk, held at the conference "21st International Congress of Linguistics" (2024/09/08-14, Poznań, Comité International Permanent des Linguistes).
Maltesemorphologydistributional semanticsMCL
van Dam, K. (2024): Hidden compounds and the importance of diachrony in synchronic description: The case of Khiamniungan. Talk, held at the conference "21st International Congress of Linguistics" (2024/09/08-14, Poznań, Comité International Permanent des Linguistes).
diachronyword formationTibeto-BurmanMCL
Rubehn, A. (2024): Automatically Segmenting Words into Morphemes: A Detailed Comparison of Unsupervised Approaches Applied to Monolingual Wordlists from Different Languages. Talk, held at the conference "21st International Congress of Linguistics" (2024/09/08-14, Poznań, Comité International Permanent des Linguistes).
morpheme segmentationunsupervised learningcomputational linguisticsPS
Juarez, C. (2024): The evolution of verbal paradigms: A computer-assisted approach to Mocoví language-internal comparison. Talk, held at the conference "21st International Congress of Linguistics" (2024/09/08-14, Poznań, Comité International Permanent des Linguistes).
inflectional paradigmsinternal evolutionMocovíCALC³
Nieder, J. (2024): Unraveling Meaning in Maltese verbal patterns: Insights from Distributional Semantics Analysis. Talk, held at the conference "Verbklassen -- Semantik, Grammatik und ihre Interdependenzen" (2024/09/04-06, Passau, Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft).
Maltesemorphologydistributional semanticsMCL
Juarez, C. (2024): A micro-typology of unusual polysemies: A view from Lowland South American languages. Talk, held at the conference "57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea" (2024/08/21-24, Helsinki, Societas Linguistica Europaea).
polysemylanguage comparisonGran Chaco languagesCALC³
Blum, F. (2024): Using Lexical and Grammatical Data to Automatically Affiliate Language Isolates and Orphans. Talk, held at the conference "57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea" (2024/08/21-24, Helsinki, Societas Linguistica Europaea).
lexibanklanguage affiliationneural networkCALC³
Nieder, J. (2024): Language processing. "Summer School of Linguistics" (2024/08/21-24, České Budějovice, University of South Bohemia).
van Dam, K. (2024): Data collection and structuring. "Summer School of Linguistics" (2024/08/21-24, České Budějovice, University of South Bohemia).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomputational approachesdata structuringMCL
van Dam, K. (2024): Understanding Bayesian phylogenetic inference. "Summer School of Linguistics" (2024/08/21-24, České Budějovice, University of South Bohemia).
phylogeneticscomputer-assisted language comparisoncomputational approachesMCL
List, J.-M. (2024): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison with EDICTOR 3. Keynote, held at the conference "5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change" (2024/08/15, Bangkok, ACL).
EDICTORcomputer-assisted language comparisoncognate detectionPS
List, J.-M. (2024): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison of South-East Asian Languages. Keynote, held at the conference "37e Journées de linguistique d’Asie orientale" (2024/07/04-05, Paris, CRLAO).
computer-assisted language comparisonEDICTORMISOLPS
List, J.-M. (2024): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison with EDICTOR 3. talkat "Cross-Linguistic Explorations in Space, Time and Evolution" (2024/06/14-15, Tübingen, University of Tübingen).
EDICTORcomputer-assisted language comparisoncognate detectionPS
Blum, F. (2024): Generalizability and reproduction in quantitative typology: A case study on sound symbolism. Talk, held at the conference "Emerging Topics in Typology" (2024/06/11, Stockholm, Stockholm University).
Sound symbolismreplicationCALC³
van Dam, K. (2024): An introduction to fieldwork and ethnography. Talk, held as part of the lecture "Methods in Phonetics and Phonology" (2024/06/06, Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine University).
Nieder, J. (2024): Semantic effects in language processing. "UR Linguistisches Kolloquium" (2024/06/05, Universität Regensberg).
van Dam, K. (2024): Bridging the gap between computational methods and language documentation: Phylogenetic-focused fieldwork in under-described language groups. Talk, held at the "UR Linguistisches Kolloquium" (2024/06/05, Regensburg, Regensburg University).
fieldworkphylogenetic reconstructionlexical dataMCL
Blum, F. (2024): Using cognate reflex prediction during fieldwork as hypothesis test for genealogical relations between language families. Talk, held at the workshop "Advancing the studies of Peruvian indigenous languages: Psycholinguistic, experimental, descriptive and computational research at the Chana Research Station" (2024/06/04, Zürich, University of Zürich).
Pano-Tacanasound correspondencesCALC³
Zariquiey, R., P. Valenzuela, and F. Blum (2024): Tracing the evolution of Panoan languages in parallel with archaeological changes in the Ucayali Basin. Talk, held at the workshop "Multidisciplinary dialogues on the human past of the Urubamba/Ucayali basin: towards a new synthesis" (2024/04/18, Leiden, Leiden University).
Juarez, C. (2024): Testing a long-distance relationship hypothesis in Lowland South American languages: A computer-assisted approach. talkat "Seminario de Lingüística" (2024/03/22, Hermosillo, Universidad de Sonora).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomputational approachesGran Chaco languagesCALC³
Nieder, J. and J.-M. List (2024): A computational model for the assessment of mutual intelligibility among closely related languages. Talk, held at the workshop "SIGTYP 2024" (2024/03/21-22, Valletta, Association for Computational Linguistics).
mutual intelligibilitylinear-discriminative learningGermanic languagesPSCALC³
Häuser, L., G. Jäger, T. Rama, J.-M. List, and A. Stamatakis (2024): Are sounds sound for phylogenetic reconstruction?. Talk, held at the workshop "SIGTYP 2024" (2024/03/21-22, Valletta, Association for Computational Linguistics).
phylogenetic reconstructionsound correspondence patternsMaximum LikelihoodPSCALC³
List, J.-M. (2024): Integrating data in Chinese Historical Phonology. Talk, held at the "A digital turn in the Humanities: Methodologies and issues" (2024/03/12/13, Venice [Online], Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).
data integrationChinese Historical PhonologyCross-Linguistic Data FormatsPSCALC³
Forkel, R. and J.-M. List (2024): Cross-Linguistic Data Formats (CLDF): D’où Venons Nous? Que Sommes Nous? Où Allons Nous?. Talk, held at the conference "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (2024/02/26-03/30, Passau, University of Passau).
Cross-Linguistic Data FormatsCLDFoverviewMCL
Talks from 2023
Juárez, C. (2023): Sociocultural dynamics and their linguistic correlates in South American Gran Chaco languages. Talk, held at the workshop "Workshop on Understanding and Documenting Language Ecologies" (2024/02/22, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), ELAR-BBAW).
language ecologysociocultural dynamicsGran ChacoCALC³
Blum, F. (2023): Una evaluación computacional del hipótesis Pano-Tacana (”A computational Evaluation of the Pano-Tacana hypothesis”). Talk, held at the "Facultad de humanidades" (2023/10/18, Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).
PanoPano-Tacanasound correspondencesCALC³
Di Natale, A. (2023): Network Science of Cross-Linguistic Colexification: Understanding Meaning and Applications to NLP. Talk, held at the "Seminars in Complexity" (2023/10/06, Graz, University of Graz).
Nieder, J., R. van de Vijver, and A. Ussishkin (2023): Maltese auditory word comprehension explained through discriminative learning. Talk, held at the conference "International Conference on Maltese Linguistics" (2023/09/20, Bremen, University of Bremen).
Malteselinear discriminative learningmodeling auditory masked primingMCL
Blum, F. and J.-M. List (2023): Using Lexibank and Grambank to automatically affiliate languages to families. Talk, held at the "Grambank Workshop" (2023/09/13-14, Leipzig, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology).
language affiliationlexibankgrambankCALC³
Nieder, J. and F. Tomaschek (2023): Classifying the origin of Maltese nouns - A cross-language approach employing phonotactics. Talk, held at the conference "ICHL26" (2023/09/04/08, Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg).
Maltesemodeling phonotacticsnaive discriminative learningMCL
Blum, F. and J.-M. List (2023): A computational evaluation of regularly recurring sound correspondences. Talk, held at the conference "26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics" (2023/09/04-08, Heidelberg, International Society for Historical Linguistics).
regularitysound correspondencesCALC³
Juárez, C. (2023): Locative relations and valence extension: multifunctional markers in Mocoví (Guaycuruan, Argentina). Talk, held at the conference "56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea" (2023/08/29-09/01, Athens, Greece).
locativevalence extensionNorthern Chaco MocovíCALC
Blum, F. (2023): Re-examing the proposed genetic relationship(s) of Panoan and Tacanan. Talk, held at the conference "56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea" (2023/08/29-09/01, Athens, Societas Linguistica Europea).
Pano-Tacanansound correspondencesCALC³
Tjuka, A. and J.-M. List (2023): The body as an analogy for object names. A study of partial colexifications across languages. Talk, held at the conference "16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference" (2023/08/07/11, Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf).
partial colexificationsbody-object colexificationscolexificationPSCALC³
List, J.-M. (2023): Ignoring Relative Chronology in Phonological Reconstruction. Talk, held at the workshop "Research Seminar on Relative Chronology" (2023/06/29/30, Copenhagen [Online], University of Copenhagen).
sound changemodeling sound changeinducing sound lawsPSCALC³
Tjuka, A. (2023): If a car had feet, where would they be? Using the body as an analogy to name object parts. Talk, held at the "Current Topics in General Linguistics – Research Colloquium" (2023/04/25, Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine University).
Juárez, C. (2023): Integrating collaborative documentation and linguistic description in the Gran Chaco: the case of Northern Chaco Mocoví. Talk, held at the workshop "Lecture Series on Language: Documentation and Theory (ELAR/ZAS)" (2023/03/24, ZAS Berlin [Hybrid event], Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft).
language documentationcollaborative modellinguistic descriptionCALC³
Talks from 2022
List, J.-M. (2022): From machine learning to machine training. Keynote, held at the conference "Poznań Linguistic Meeting" (2022/09/08-10, Poznań, Adam Mickiewicz University).
machine learningCALCoverviewCALC³
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2022): Fuzzy reconstructions. A new framework for the representation and computation of uncertainty in phonological reconstruction. Talk, held at the conference "International Conference on Historical Linguistics" (2022/08/01-05, Oxford, University of Oxford).
phonological reconstructionuncertaintyComputer-Assisted Language ComparisonCALC³
List, J.-M. (2022): The SIGTYP shared task on the prediction of cognate reflexes. Talk, held at the workshop "4th Workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP" (2022/07/14, Seattle [Online], Association for Computational Linguistics).
reflex predictionshared taskSIGTYPCALC³
List, J.-M. (2022): A New Framework for Fast Automated Phonological Reconstruction Using Trimmed Alignments and Sound Correspondence Patterns. Talk, held at the workshop "3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change" (2022/05/26-27, Online, Association for Computational Linguistics).
phonological reconstructiontrimmed alignmentscorrespondence patternsCALC³
List, J.-M. (2022): Research Software in Historical Language Comparison. Talk, held at the workshop "Future Opportunities for Software in Research" (2022/05/09-10, Online, Max Planck Digital Library).
List, J.-M. (2022): Integrating data in comparative linguistics. Talk, held at the "Cycle of Seminars on Data Elicitation Organized by the Experimental Lab" (2022/05/06, Bologna [Digital Event], University of Bologna).
Talks from 2021
List, J.-M. (2021): Anotación de cambio fonético y alineaciones fontéticas en EDICTOR. Talk, given for the lecture series "Herramientos y métodos para el análisis cuantitativo del lenguaje" (2021/12/11, Buenos Aires [Digital Event], Grupo de estadistica para el estudio del lenguaje).
tutorialEDICTORsound changeCALC
Tjuka, A., R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2021): Comparing word properties across languages: A case study on ratings for arousal and valence. Talk, held at the "2nd Words in the World (WoW) International Conference" (2021/11/27, Canada [Digital Event], Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).
Tjuka, A. (2021): Patterns of body-object colexifications across languages. Talk, held at the conference "Emerging Topics in Typology" (2021/10/25, Helsinki [Digital Event], University of Helsinki).
List, J.-M. (2021): Evolutionary aspects of language change. Talk, held at the conference "Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines. Problems and Perspectives in Generalized Darwinism" (2021/10/20-22, Paris [Digital Event], Institut des Systèmes Complexes).
language evolutionbiological evolutionevolutionary theoryCALC
Schweikhard, N. (2021): Grammatik in Wortfamiliennetzwerken. Talk, held at the "GeSuS Online-Tagung: Grammatik" (2021/10/08-09, Jena/Freiburg [Digital Event], Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen e.V.).
data modelingword formationmorphologyCALC
List, J.-M. (2021): Chances and Challenges for Computational Comparative Linguistics in the 21st Century. Keynote, held at the conference "KONVENS 2021" (2021/09/06-09, Düsseldorf [Digital Event], Heinrich Heine University).
computational historical linguisticscomputer-assisted language comparisonopen problemsCALC
List, J.-M. (2021): Automated Identification of Borrowings in Multilingual Wordlists. Talk, held at the "16th Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference" (2021/06/24-25, Moscow [Digital Event], Center for Comparative Studies and Phylogenetics. HSE University).
lexical borrowingSouth-East Asiaautomated borrowing detectionCALC
Zariquiey, R., J. List, P. Valenzuela, S. Greenhill, and a. Gray (2021): Testing new methods for Amazonian phylogenies: A case study on Pano. Talk, held at the "SALSA Conference" (2021/06/21-07/02, [Digital Event], Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America).
Panophylogenetic reconstructionpartial cognatesCALC
Anderson, C., T. Tresoldi, J.-M. List, S. Greenhill, R. Forkel, and R. Gray (2021): Variation in phoneme inventories. Talk, held at the "International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics" (2021/06/14-18, Oslo [Digital Event], University of Oslo).
Brid, N., J.-M. List, and C. Messineo (2021): Beyond structure: Towards an analysis of semantic patterns in the Gran Chaco area. Talk, held at the conference "Amazonicas VIII" (2021/05/31-06/04, Virtual Meeting).
annotationstructural borrowingChaco languagesCALC
Tjuka, A. (2021): Meanings of body part terms: Cross-linguistic colexifications between body parts and objects. Talk, held at the "12th Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science – Linguistic and Cognitive Foundations of Meaning" (2021/05/18-21, Dubrovnik [Digital Event], Central European Cognitive Science Association (CECOG)).
Brid, N., J.-M. List, and C. Messineo (2021): Más allá de la estructura: análisis de patrones semánticos en lenguas del Gran Chaco [Beyond structure: Analysis of semantic patterns in the languages of the Gran Chaco area]. Talk, held at the "XVII Congreso SAEL" (2021/05/17-22, Tucumán (Virtual Meeting)).
annotationstructural borrowingChaco languagesCALC
Rzymski, C., R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2021): Forschungsdaten als organische Systeme?. Talk, held at the "Research Data Management Workshop" (2021/05/05-06, München [Digital Event], Max Planck Digital Library).
cross-linguistic data formatsdata sharingdata curationCALC
List, J. (2021): Data in quantitative comparative linguistics. Talk, held at the workshop "Model and Evidence in Quantitative Comparative Linguistics, organized as part of the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft" (2021/02/24-26, Freiburg).
Talks from 2020
Tjuka, A. (2020): General patterns and language variation: Word frequencies across English, German, and Chinese. talkatconference "6th Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon Workshop (CogALex)" (2020/12/12, Barcelona [Digital Event], COLING).
List, J.-M. (2020): Chances and challenges for Computational Language Comparison. Talk, held at the "Kazan International Linguistic Summit on Challenges and Trends in World Linguistics" (2020/11/16-20, Kazan [virtual], Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomputational historical linguisticsoverviewCALC
Schweikhard, N. (2020): (Towards) a database of etymologically annotated concept lists. Talk, held at the conference "Form and Meaning" (2020/11/13-14, Copenhagen [Digital Event], University of Copenhagen).
List, J.-M. (2020): Problems in Assessing the Probability of Language Relatedness. Talk, held at the "The 15th Annual Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference on Comparative-Historical Linguistics" (2020/10/22-23, Moscow [virtual meeting], Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Higher School of Economics).
proofgenetic relationshipconstruct validityCALC
Tjuka, A. (2020): The eye/ear of the needle – Cross-linguistic differences in body part extensions. Talk, held at the conference "1st Words in the World (WoW) International Conference" (2020/10/16-18, Canada [Digital Event], Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).
CLICSbody-object colexificationlanguage variationCALCIMPRS
Rama, T. and J.-M. List (2020): An interactive edition of the ”Comparative Vocabulary” in Grierson’s ”Linguistic Survey of India” from 1928. Talk, held at the "International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2020/10/02-05, Denton [virtual meeting], University of North Texas).
computer-assisted language comparisoncross-linguistic data formatsLinguistic Survey of IndiaCALC
Lai, Y. and J.-M. List (2020): The phylogeny of Rgyalrongic. Talk, held at the "International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2020/10/02-05, Denton [virtual meeting], University of North Texas).
computer-assisted language comparisonphylogenetic reconstructionRgyalrongicCALC
List, J.-M. (2020): Integrating Data in Cross-Linguistic Studies. Talk, held at the workshop "Untangling the linguistic past of the Americas: Collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary approaches in an open science framework" (2020/09/23-25, Lima [virtual meeting], PUCP).
overviewdata integrationcross-linguistic studiesCALC
List, J.-M. (2020): Representing concepts for the purpose of cross-linguistic language comparison. Talk, held at the conference "Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application" (2020/09/22-23, Bolzano [virtual conference], University Osnabrück).
List, J.-M. (2020): Lingüística histórica computacional: Introducción práctica a EDICTOR. Talk, held at the "Approximaciones computacionales a la diversidad lingüística" (2020/06/18, Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).
EDICTORtutorialcomputer-assisted language comparisonCALC
Tresoldi, T. (2020): Linguistic Catalogs and DLCE tools. Paper, presented at the conference "Workshop on Reproducible Research and Data Management" (2020/01/30, Jena, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History).
Talks from 2019
List, J.-M. (2019): Sprachen als Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit [Languages as keys to our past]. Talk, held at the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" (2019/11/23, Jena).
computer-assisted language comparisonhuman historyhistorical language comparisonCALC
List, J. (2019): On the search for the drivers of linguistic and cultural diversity. Talk, held at the "Simposio Max Planck / Columbia: Fronteras de la Ciencia" (2019/09/11-12, Bogotá).
historical linguisticscomputational linguisticsintroductionCALC
Lai, Y. (2019): Dissecting ideophones: towards a computer-assisted approach (the case of Siyuewu Khroskyabs). Paper, presented at the workshop "The 5th Workshop on Sino-Tibetan languages in South-West China" (2019/08/23, Nakai, Nankai University).
Lai, Y. and S. Zhang (2019): Plant terms as key to nominal morphology in Rgyalrongic languages: the cases of Brag-bar Situ and Khroskyabs. Talk, held at the "The 5th Workshop on Sino-Tibetan languages in South-West China" (2019/08/22, Nankai, Nankai University).
Chacon, T., T. Tresoldi, and J.-M. List (2019): Towards refined phylogenies of the Tukanoan languages: A computer-assisted approach. Paper, presented at the workshop "Computer-assisted approaches in historical and typological language comparison, organized as part of the Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea" (2019/08/21-24, Leipzig).
computer-assisted language comparisonTukanoan languagesphylogenetic reconstructionCALC
List, J.-M. (2019): Computer-assisted approaches in historical and typological language comparison. Paper, presented at the workshop "Computer-assisted approaches in historical and typological language comparison, organized as part of the Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea" (2019/08/21-24, Leipzig).
computer-assisted language comparisonworkshopintroductionCALC
Tresoldi, T. (2019): A cross-linguistic computational approach on chance resemblances. Paper, presented at the workshop "Computer-assisted approaches in historical and typological language comparison, organized as part of the Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea" (2019/08/21-24, Leipzig).
chance resemblencescomputer assisted language comparisonsound changeCALC
Schweikhard, N. (2019): Towards a Database of Morpheme-Annotated Wordlists. Talk, held at the "24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL)" (2019/07/04, Canberra, Australian National University).
word formationdatabaseannotationCALC
Tresoldi, T. (2019): Automatic Inference of Sound Change from Cognates. Talk, held at the "24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL)" (2019/07/04, Canberra, Australian National University).
multi-tiered sequence representationphonological reconstructionsound change inductionCALC
Wu, M.-S. (2019): Studying Language Contact in South East Asia with the Help of Computer-Assisted Approaches. Talk, held at the "24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL)" (2019/07/02, Canberra, Australian National University).
computer-assisted language comparisonlanguage contactSouth-East asiaCALC
List, J.-M. (2019): Open problems in computational historical Linguistics. Paper, presented at the conference "International Conference of Historical Linguistics" (2019/07/01-05, Canberra).
historical linguisticsopen problemscomputer-assisted language comparisonCALC
Tresoldi, T., M.-S. Wu, and N. Schweikhard (2019): Fundamentals of Computer-Assisted Language Comparison. Talk, held at the "第321次學術演講公告" (2019/06/28, Taipei, National Taiwan University).
historical linguisticscomputer-assisted workflowsannotationCALC
List, J.-M. (2019): Studying language contact within a computer-assisted framework. Talk, held at the "64th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association" (2019/05/30-06/01, Buenos Aires, Universidad de San Martín).
borrowing detectionstratificationcomputer-assisted frameworkCALC
Schweikhard, N. (2019): Word tree reconciliation. Adopting biological methods and metaphors in historical linguistics. Talk, held at the "27. GeSuS-Jahrestagung. Sprach(en)forschung: Disziplinen und Interdisziplinarität" (2019/05/30-06/01, Warsaw, Warsaw University Library).
word tree reconciliationbiological metaphorsword formationCALC
List, J.-M. (2019): Open problems in computational diversity linguistics. Talk, held at the "Research Colloquium of the Department of Comparative Linguistics" (2019/05/17, Zurich, Zurich University).
computer-assisted language comparisonopen problemscomputational historical linguisticsCALC
Tresoldi, T. (2019): Linguística histórica: origens, método comparativo e perspectivas. Talk, held at the "Semana Acadêmica de Letras (UFRGS)" (2019/05/16, Porto Alegre, UFRGS).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomputational historical linguisticshistorical linguisticsCALC
Lai, Y. (2019): Stem alternation in Siyuewu Khroskyabs: Morphology, functions and Rgyalrongic comparison. Talk, held at the "The 27th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics" (2019/05/12, Kobe, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies).
RgyalrongicKhroskyabsstem alternationCALC
Tresoldi, T. (2019): Novas abordagens computacionais em linguística histórica. Talk, held at the "ABRALIN50 Conference" (2019/05/02, Maceió, ABRALIN/UFAL).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomputational historical linguisticsCALC
List, J.-M. (2019): Digital Chinese Historical Phonology. Talk, held at the "Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies - Department of Sinology" (2019/04/11, Zurich, Zurich University).
digital historical linguisticsChinese historical phonologyintroductionCALC
Wu, M.-S. (2019): Workflows for computer-assisted language comparison. State of the art. Paper, presented at the workshop "Recent Advances in Comparative Linguistic Reconstruction" (2019/03/26-27, London, SOAS).
computational historical linguisticscomputer-assisted language comparisonHmong-Mien languagesCALC
List, J.-M. (2019): Three open problems in computational historical linguistics. Paper, presented at the conference "The 14th Annual Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference on Comparative-Historical Linguistics" (2019/03/25-26, Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities).
open problemscomputational historical linguisticscomputer-assisted language comparisonCALC
Schweikhard, N. (2019): Handling word formation in historical language comparison. Talk, held at the "JenLing Linguistics Workshop" (2019/02/08, Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität).
historical linguisticsword formationannotationCALC
Talks from 2018
Tresoldi, T. and J.-M. List (2018): Computer-assisted data curation and analysis for the purpose of historical and typological language comparison. Paper, presented at the conference "Fourth Annual Symposium: Ancient Connections in Eurasia" (2018/12/13-16, Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen).
computer-assisted language comparisoncolexificationcross-linguistic data formatsCALC
Wu, M.-S. and H. Reyes-Centeno (2018): Words and genes of Sino-Tibetan speakers. Paper, presented at the conference "Fourth Annual Symposium: Ancient Connections in Eurasia" (2018/12/13-16, Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen).
Sino-Tibetan languagespopulation geneticscomputer-assisted language comparisonCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Computer-assisted language comparison: Theory and practice. Talk, held at the "Instituto de Lingüística" (2018/10/04, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomputational linguisticsoverviewCALC
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2018): A new reconstruction of Proto-Burmish. Paper, presented at the conference "51th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2018/09/25-28, Kyoto, Kyoto University).
Sino-Tibetanetymological dictionaryBurmishCALC
Lai, Y. (2018): Rethinking the orientational languages in Khroskyabs, a Rgyalrongic language. Paper, presented at the conference "51th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2018/09/25-28, Kyoto, Kyoto University).
Khroskyabsorientational prefixesminimum spanning treeCALC
Wu, M.-S. (2018): The ancestry of Sino-Tibetan populations and languages. Paper, presented at the conference "51th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2018/09/25-28, Kyoto, Kyoto University).
Sino-Tibetanpopulationcomputer-assisted methodCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Chances and Challenges of Computer-Assisted Approaches in the Humanities (from the Perspective of a Historical Linguist). Talk, held at the "Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas Dr. Amado Alonso" (2018/09/24, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomputational linguisticsoverviewCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Computer-Assisted Approaches to Lexical Language Comparison. Paper, presented at the conference "Segundas Jornadas de Lingüística Computational Para Idiomas Amerindios" (2018/09/17-21, Lima).
computer-assisted language comparisonintroductionlexical comparisonCALC
Tresoldi, T., C. Anderson, and J.-M. List (2018): Modelling sound change with the help of multi-tiered sequence representations. Paper, presented at the conference "48th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM2018)" (2018/09/13-15, Poznań).
multitierssound changephonological representationCALC
Lai, Y. (2018): How empathy hierarchy is reflected in Khroskyabs morphosyntax. Talk, held at the "Syntax of the World’s Languages" (2018/09/05, Paris, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales).
Khroskyabsempathy hierarchyargument indexationCALC
Tresoldi, T. (2018): CLICS2: An Improved Database and a Computer Assisted Framework for Cross-Linguistic Colexifications. Paper, presented at the workgroup "Lexical semantics, language change, and universal translators" (2018/08/27-28, Santa Fe, Santa Fe Institute).
colexificationlexical typologyCLICSCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Networks everywhere. Paper, presented at the workshop "Distinguishability in Phylogenetic Networks" (2018/08/13-17, Leiden, Lorentz Center).
phylogenetic networkshistorical linguisticsoverviewCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Using networks to infer sound correspondence patterns across multiple languages. Paper, presented at the workshop "Distinguishability in Phylogenetic Networks" (2018/08/13-17, Leiden, Lorentz Center).
correspondence patternssound correspondencesnetwork approachesCALC
Tresoldi, T. (2018): Evolution in Literature: Texts and Series. Paper, presented at the workshop "Distinguishability in Phylogenetic Networks" (2018/08/13-17, Leiden, Lorentz Center).
stemmatologyhistory of literaturephylogenetic networksCALC
Lai, Y. (2018): Chuòsījiǎyǔ de rénchēng fànchóu 綽斯甲語的人稱範疇 [Argument indexation in Khroskyabs]. Talk, held at the "3rd Workshop on the research methodology of Sino-Tibetan languages" (2018/08/03, Shanghai, Shanghai Normal University).
Khroskyabsargument indexationCALC
Lai, Y. (2018): Chuòsījiǎyǔ de dòngwù hūhuànshēng 綽斯甲語的動物呼喚聲 [Animal calling sounds in Khroskyabs]. Talk, held at the "Conference on Tibetan linguistics" (2018/08/03, Shanghai, Shanghai Normal University).
Tresoldi, T., N. Schweikhard, M.-S. Wu, Y. Lai, and J.-M. List (2018): Computer-assisted Language Comparison. Reconciling classical and computational approaches in historical linguistics. Paper, presented at the workshop "Historische und vergleichende Linguistik in Jena" (2018/07/13, Jena, Max Planck Insititute for the Science of Human History).
computer-assisted language comparisonoverviewfuture projectsCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): CLICS 2.0: A computer-assisted framework for the investigation of lexical motivation patterns. Paper, presented at the workshop "Semantic maps: Where do we stand and where are we going?" (2018/06/26-28, Liège).
network approachescross-linguistic data formatscolexification networksCALC
Lai, Y. (2018): Chuòsījiǎyǔ érèhuà de hùnhé yǐnyǔ 绰斯甲语俄热话的混合引语 [Hybrid speech in Wobzi Khroskyabs]. Talk, held at the "Institute of Linguistics" (2018/05/30, Shanghai, Shanghai Jiaotong University).
Khroskyabssemi-direct speechargument indexationCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Automatic inference of sound correspondence patterns across multiple languages. Paper, presented at the conference "Trees and what to do with them" (2018/03/23-24, Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls-Universität).
sound correspondencescorrespondence patternssound changeCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Analogies, transfer, and adaptation. Interdisciplinary research on evolutionary dynamics in linguistics and biology. Talk, held at the "Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology" (2018/03/14, Würzburg, Julius-Maximilians-Universität).
interdisciplinary researchoverviewinterdisciplinary transferCALC
Lai, Y. and J.-M. List (2018): Investigating verb derivation patterns in Sino-Tibetan languages within a computer-assisted framework. Paper, presented at the workshop "Perspectives on low-resource language varieties" (2018/02/09, Saarbrücken).
computer-assisted language comparisonverb derivationSino-TibetanCALC
List, J.-M. (2018): Sprachen als Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit [Languages as keys to our past]. Talk, held at the "Salon Sophie Charlotte" (2018/01/20, Berlin).
computer-assisted language comparisonhuman historyhistorical language comparisonCALC
Talks from 2017
Lai, Y. (2017): Semi-direct speech in Wobzi Khroskyabs. Paper, presented at the conference "12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology" (2017/12/12-14, Canberra, Association of Linguistic Typology).
KhroskyabstypologyTrans-Himalayan linguisticsCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Computer-assisted approaches in the humanities: Reconciling computational and classical research. Paper, presented at the workshop "Research questions in the humanities as challenges to computer science" (2017/12/06-07, Berlin, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomputational linguisticsclassical linguisticsCALC
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2017): Data management in the reconstruction of Proto-Burmish. Paper, presented at the workshop "Data Management in Asian Humanities and Social Sciences" (2017/11/13-14, London, School of African and Oriental Sciences).
Burmish languagescomputer-assisted language comparisondata managementCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Using networks to infer sound correspondence patterns across multiple languages. Talk, held at the "Symposium on Networks and Evolution" (2017/10/24, Paris, Université Pierre et Marie Curie).
computer-assisted language comparisonsound correspondencesnetwork approachesCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison. Talk, held at the "Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Tianjin" (2017/10/21, Tianjin, College of Chinese Language and Culture).
colexificationlexical typologynetwork approachesCALC
Lai, Y. and J.-M. List (2017): The Sino-Tibetan language family. What we know, what we can know, and what we know we cannot know. Paper, presented at the workshop "Languages as Keys to Our Past, organized as part of the DOT 2017" (2017/09/21, Jena).
computer-assisted language comparisonSino-Tibetan languageshistorical language comparisonCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Languages as keys to our past. How classical and computational approaches to language comparison help us to shed light on the past of our languages. Paper, presented at the workshop "Languages as Keys to Our Past, organized as part of the DOT 2017" (2017/09/21, Jena).
computer-assisted language comparisoncomparative methodcomputational approachesCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Establishing a cross-linguistic database of phonetic notation systems. Paper, presented at the workshop "Phonological Represenation in the Quantitative Era of Comparative Linguistics, organized as part of PLM 2017" (2017/09/18, Poznan).
cross-linguistic data formatsphonetic annotationdatadataCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Storing our knowledge of linguistic diversity: Towards the standardization of cross-linguistic data formats. Paper, presented at the conference "Human Document Project 2017" (2017/08/02-04, Freiburg, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies).
cross-linguistic data formatslinguistic diversitydocumentationCALC
List, J.-M. and N. Hill (2017): Computer-assisted approaches to linguistic reconstruction. A case study from the Burmish languages. Paper, presented at the workshop "Regularity of Sound Change" (2017/07/20-21, Cologne, Universität zu Köln).
automatic linguistic reconstructionBurmish languagescomputer-assisted language comparisonCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Annotation and Analysis of Cross-Linguistic Lexical Data in Historical Linguistics. Toward the Establishment of Standards and Best Practices. Paper, presented at the workshop "Linguistic Annotation and Philology Workshop" (2017/07/06-07, Leipzig, University Leipzig).
cross-linguistic data-formatsannotationwordlistsCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): CLICS 2.0. Towards an Improved Handling of Cross-Linguistic Colexification Patterns. Talk, held at the "Le Diasema Lecture Series" (2017/07/03, Liège, Department of Classical and Oriental Studies).
colexificationlexical typologynetwork approachesCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Network approaches to Old Chinese reconstruction. Paper, presented at the conference "30th Paris Meeting on East Asian Languages" (2017/06/29-07/06, Paris, Centres des recherches linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale).
network approachesOld Chinese reconstructionChinese historical phonologyCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Perception and production of poetry. An evolutionary perspective on the poetic function of language. Paper, presented at the workshop "Mini-Workshop on Poetry" (2017/04/20, Jena).
poetryrhyme networkscross-linguistic perspectiveCALC
List, J.-M. (2017): Sino-Tibetan lexicostatistic database. An interactive system for transparent etymological analysis. Paper, presented at the workshop "Mini-Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages" (2017/04/10, Zürich, University of Zürich).
List, J.-M. (2017): Computer-assisted language comparison. Reconciling classical and computational approaches to historical linguistics. Talk, held at the "Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies" (2017/03/21, Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities).
computer-assisted approachhistorical linguisticsmethodologyCALC
List, J.-M. (2022): Computational historical linguistics. Lecture, given at the LOT Winter School (University of Amsterdam, 2023-01-16/20).
Tjuka, Annika; List, J.-M. (2022): Computer-Assisted Approaches to Lexical Typology. Workshop, given at the Semantic Shifts Summer School (Fréjus, 2022-09-21/22).
List, J.-M. (2022): Formal and quantitative approaches to historical language comparison. Lecture, given at the Fifth Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics (Università di Pavia, 2022-09-05/09).
List, J.-M. (2019): Fundamentos de la comparación histórica y tipológica del lenguaje. Workshop, given at the Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas «Dr. Amado Alonso» (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2019-06-10/11).
List, J.-M.; Tresoldi, T.; Anderson, C. (2018): Computer-assisted language comparison: Algorithms, interfaces, methods, and software. Regular lecture held at the Institut for Anglistics and Americanistics (FSU Jena, summer term, 2018).
List, J.-M. (2017): Historical language comparison with LingPy and EDICTOR. Tutorial presented at the Mini-Bayesian School for Transeurasian Linguists (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, 2017/11/06-09).
List, J.-M. (2017): Sequence comparison with LingPy. Tutorial presented at the Quantitative Methods Spring School (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, 2017/05/08-14).
Upcoming Events
2025-01-27/31: Alžběta Kučerová will present a poster at the GWC 2025 on "A Computer-Assisted Comparison of Object Naming Data from 30 Languages" at the University of Pavia, Italy. [URL]
2025-02-13: Johann-Mattis List will be present at a public webinar on "Publishing Research from ERC on Open REsearch Europe" [URL]
2025-03-13/14: Arne Rubehn will give a talk titled "Concept Embeddings: Applying graph embedding techniques to colexification networks" at the workshop titled "Bridging the Gap: Unifying approaches to linguistic evolution" at the University of Zurich. [URL]
2025-05-07/09: Arne Rubehn will give a talk titled "Improving Digitization Efforts in Comparative Linguistics" at the workshop on "Linguistic data and language comparison in light of the quantitative turn and big data" at the University of Bern. [URL]
Past Events
2025-23-01: Alžběta Kučerová gave a talk titled "Perception of Czech Speech: An Experimental Study" at the Colloquium on Slavic and Albanian Linguistics at the University of Regensburg.
2025-01-17: Luca Ciucci gave a talk titled "Possessive constructions in Chamacoco (Zamucoan)" at the workshop Exploring possession across Indigenous Central and South America: Expanding perspectives through underdescribed languages, organized in hybrid mode at the Faculty of Artes Liberales of the University of Warsaw. [[URL]] (https://culturalcontinuity.al.uw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Workshop-ad-FINAL.png)
2024-12-05: Frederic Blum gave a talk titled "Replicating sound symbolism: Overcoming bias and generalizability challenges in quantitative typology" at the workshop on "Replication & reproducibility in quantitative typology" during the 15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology. [URL]
2024-12-02: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk titled "Computer-Assisted Language Comparison: State of the Art and Future Prospects" in the Linguistic Colloquium at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. [URL]
2024-11-19: Johann-Mattis List and Thanasis Georgakopoulos organized a joined webinar on Cross-Linguistic Colexifications. [URL]
2024-11-14: Luca Ciucci gave an invited lecture titled "Introducción a la sintaxis: énfasis en lenguas indígenas (parte 2)" ("Introduction to syntax: emphasis on Indigenous languages (2nd part)") during the seminar Introducción a la Documentación Lingüística de Lenguas Indígenas organized by the Universidad Nacional de Itapúa (Paraguay). [URL]
2024-11-01: Luca Ciucci gave an invited talk titled "Ecología y lenguas indígenas" ("Ecology and Indigenous Languages") at IX Seminario Internacional sobre Traducción, Investigación, Diversidad Cultural y Lingüística, organized by the foundation Yvy Marãe'ỹ (San Lorenzo, Paraguay) and endorsed by the Paraguayan Secretariat for Language Policy.
2024-10-30: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk titled "Sprachen als Schlüssel der Vergangenheit" ("Languages as Keys to Our Past") as part of the Talk Series "Campus trifft Stadt" at the University of Passau. [URL]
2024-10-29: Kellen Parker van Dam presented as a guest speaker at the Seminar on Kokborok Language & Literature. He will present a talk entitled "Novel Methods in Computational Linguistics: What Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference Can and Can Not Tell Us about Kokborok and Related Languages".
2024-10-08: Luca Ciucci held a workshop on "Diversité linguistique" ("Linguistic diversity") with the Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (Lyon) during the "Fête de la science" at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Lyon). [URL]
2024-09-06: Jessica Nieder gave a talk titled "Unraveling Meaning in Maltese verbal patterns: Insights from Distributional Semantics" at the conference "Verbklassen: Semantic, Grammatik und ihrer Interdependenzen" in Passau [URL]
2024-09-08/14: Johann-Mattis List (physically absent) with Jessica Nieder and Kellen Parker van Dam (on place) chaired a focus stream on "Productive Signs" at the International Congress of Linguists in Poznań. [URL]
2024-08-21/23: Kellen Parker van Dam and Jessica Nieder gave lectures at the Summer School of Linguistics in Budweis [URL]
2024-08-21/24: Frederic Blum gave a plenary talk titled "Using Lexical and Grammatical Data to Automatically Affiliate Language Isolates and Orphans" at the workshop The Limits of the Comparative Method: Innovative Approaches to Understanding Orphan Languages that is going to be held during the 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea [URL]
2024-08-21/24: Cristian Juárez gave a talk titled "A micro-typology of unusual polysemies: A view from low-land South American languages" at the general session of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea [URL]
2024-07-24/27: Annika Tjuka, Robert Forkel, and Johann-Mattis List presented their study on "Cross-Cultural Insights into Body Part Naming" at the Cognitive Science Conference 2024 in Rotterdam. [URL]
2024-08-15: Johann-Mattis List will gave a remote keynote at the 5th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2024 (LChange'24) [URL]
2024-07-04/05: Johann-Mattis List gave a remote keynote at the 37e Journées de linguistique d'Asie orientale / 37th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics [URL]
2024-06-14/15: Johann-Mattis List will give an invited talk at the C-LESTE conference in Tübingen [URL]
2024-04-11: Kellen Parker van Dam gave a talk titled "Understanding J. F. Needham’s 19th century description of Muishaung as a record of language change in the Eastern Himalaya" at a workshop on Legacy materials as data sources for language description and documentation at Université Paris Cité, Paris. [URL]
2024-04-19: Frederic Blum (together with Roberto Zariquiey and Pilar Valenzuela) gave an invited talk titled "Tracing the Evolution of Panoan Languages in Parallel with Archaeological Changes in the Ucayali Basin" at a workshop in Leiden on Multidisciplinary dialogues on the human past of the Urubamba/Ucayali basin: towards a new synthesis [URL]
2024-04-19: Jessica Nieder gave a talk titled "Lehrer, Lehrerin oder Lehrerin? - Acceptance of German gender endings in predicative constructions" at the Complexwords colloquium* at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
2024-05-20/25: Michele Pulini and Johann-Mattis List presented a poster at the LREC-COLING conference on "First Steps Towards the Integration of Resources on Historical Glossing Traditions in the History of Chinese: A Collection of Standardized Fǎnqiè Spellings from the Guǎngyùn" [URL]
2024-05-20/25: Robert Forkel, Johann-Mattis List, and Guillaume Ségerer presented a poster at the LREC-COLING conference on "Linguistic Survey of India and Polyglotta Africana: Two Retrostandardized Digital Editions of Large Historical Collections of Multilingual Wordlists" [URL]
2024-05-20/25: Frederic Blum, Johannes Englisch Alba Hermida Rodriguez, Rik van Gijn, and Johann-Mattis List presented a poster at the 2nd Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA Special Interest Group on Under-Resourced Languages on "Resource acquisition for understudied languages: Extracting wordlists from dictionaries for computer-assisted language comparison" [URL]
2024-06-03/05: Frederic Blum will give an invited talk titled "Using Cognate Reflex Prediction during Fieldwork as Hypothesis Test for Genealogical Relations between Language Families" during a workshop on Advancing the studies of Peruvian indigenous languages: Psycholinguistic, experimental, descriptive and computational research at the Chana Research Station organized by the Department of Comparative Langauge Science in Zürich [URL]
2024-06-10/12: Frederic Blum gave a talk titled "Generalizability and Reproduction in Quantitative Typology: A Case Study on Sound Symbolism" during the Emerging Topics in Typology conference in Stockholm [URL]
2024-03-21/22: Jessica Nieder and Johann-Mattis List presented their study on the assessment of mutual intelligibility among closely releated languages at the SIGTYP 2024 workshop in Malta [URL]
2024-03-21/22: Luise Häuser, Gerhard Jäger, Taraka Rama, Johann-Mattis List, and Alexandros Stamatakis presented their study employing sound correspondences for phylogenetic reconstruction at the SIGTYP 2024 workshop in Malta [URL]
2024-03-12/13: Johann-Mattis List gave a (virtual) talk on "Integrating Data in Chinese Historical Phonology" at the workshop "A digital turn in the Humanities: Methodologies and issues" at the Ca' Foscary University of Venice [URL]
2024-02-23: Cristian Juárez gave a presentation at the workshop "Understanding and Documenting Language Ecologies" at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW).
2024-02-26/03-01: The Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics was involved in the organization of the DHd2024 Conference in Passau. [URL]
2024-02-28: Robert Forkel and Johann-Mattis List gave a presentation on Cross-Linguistic Data Formats at the DhD2024 conference in Passau [URL]
2024-02-02: Johann-Mattis List, Kellen Parker Van Dam and Jessica Nieder gave talks on the "Compositionality on the Lexicon" at the Morphology colloquium at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
2024-01-26: Johann-Mattis List and Jessica Nieder gave a talk on "Computer-Assisted and Cross-Linguistic Approaches to Phonetics and Phonology" at the Deep Linguistic Modelling colloquium at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. [URL].
2024-01-10: Jessica Nieder gave a talk on "Speech errors, misperceptions and mondegreens" at the Master Linguistics Colloquium at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
2023-12-06: Johann-Mattis List, Nathan W. Hill, Frederic Blum and Robert Forkel gave a virtual talk on "Uncertainty in Linguistic Reconstruction" at the 4th International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change 2023 [URL]
2023-11-16: Jessica Nieder gave a talk on "I got my first real sex dream - about miscperceptions and mondegreens" at the Lecture series on Language and Music at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.
2023-10-18: Frederic Blum was invited to give a talk at the Pontificía Universidad Católica del Perú about the computational evolution of the Pano-Tacana hypothesis ("Una evaluación computacional del hipótesis Pano-Tacana"). In the two days preceding the talk, he will give a 4-hour workshop on the tools developed in the CALC project to the students of the university. [URL]
2023-10-06: Anna Di Natale gave a talk on "Network Science of Cross-Linguistic Colexification: Understanding Meaning and Applications to NLP" at the Seminars in Complexity at the University of Graz.
2023-09-13/14: Frederic Blum and Johann-Mattis List gave a talk on "Using Lexibank and Grambank to Automatically Affiliate Languages to Families" at the Grambank Workshop in Leipzig [URL]
2023-09-20: Jessica Nieder gave a talk on "Maltese auditory word comprehension explained through discriminative learning" at the International Conference on Maltese Linguistics in Bremen [URL]
2023-09-04/08: Jessica Nieder gave a talk on "Classifying the origin of Maltese nouns - A cross-language approach employing phonotactics" at the ICHL conference in Heidelberg. [URL]
2023-09-04/08: Frederic Blum and Johann-Mattis List gave a talk on "A computational evaluation of regularly recurring sound correspondences" at the ICHL conference in Heidelberg. [URL]
2023-09-04/08: Gerhard Jäger, Robert Forkel, and Johann-Mattis List will organize a workshop at the 26th International Conference of Historical Linguistics in Heidelberg. [URL]
2023-08-29/01-09: Cristian Juárez have a presentation on Locative relations and valence extension: multifunctional locative markers in Mocoví (Guaycuruan, Argentina) at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea to be held in Athens. [URL]
2023-08-29/01-09: Frederic Blum gave a presentation on Re-examining the proposed genetic relationship(s) of Panoan and Tacanan at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea to be held in Athens. [URL]
2023-08-07/11: Annika Tjuka and Johann-Mattis List organized a theme session colexifications at the 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Düsseldorf. [URL]
2023-06-29/30: Johann-Mattis List gave an invited virtual presentation at the Research Seminar on Relative Chronology organized by Florian Wandl and Thomas Olander in Copenhagen.
2023-04-25: Annika Tjuka gave an invited talk in the Current Topics in General Linguistics Colloquium organized by Kilu von Prince at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. [URL]
2023/03/14: Johann-Mattis List gave an invited presentation on the work of the Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics in the Webinar "The new normal. China – sprachlos nach der Pandemie?!", organized by the Neuburger Gesprächskreis [URL]
2023-03-24: Cristian Juárez gave an invited presentation at the ELAR-ZAS series "Language: Documentation and Theory" in Berlin. Details will be available later here [URL]
2023-01-16/20: Johann-Mattis List taught a course on computational historical linguistics at the LOT Winter School 2023. [URL]
2022-09-13/23: Annika Tjuka and Johann-Mattis List taught at the Summer School "Semantics Shifts: From Lexicon to Grammar. Diachronic and Typological Perspectives", funded by the CNRS in Fréjus (France). [URL]
2022-09-05/10: Johann-Mattis List gave a course on computational historical linguistics at the 5th International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics in Pavia. [URL]
2022-09-05/07: Annika Tjuka presented a poster at the Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society in Freiburg. [URL]
2022-09-08/10: Johann-Mattis List gave a keynote at the 51st Poznań Linguistic Meeting [URL]
2022-08-01/05: Johann-Mattis List and Nathan W. Hill gave two talks together at the 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics at Oxford University [URL]
2022-07-14: Johann-Mattis List helped to organize a shared task at the SIGTYP workshop at NAACL on the Prediction of Cognate Reflexes [URL]
2022-05-26/27: Johann Mattis List, Robert Forkel, and Nathan W. Hill gave a talk on "Phonological Reconstruction Using Trimmed Alignments and Sound Correspondence Patterns" at the "Third International Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change" organized as part of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics in Dublins (hybrid event) [URL]
2022-05-12/13: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk on "Research Software for Historical Language Comparison" at the workshop "Future Opportunities for Software in Research" organized by the Max Planck Digital Libary. [URL]
2022-05-06: Johann-Mattis List gave an invited virtual lecture on "Integrating Data in Comparative Linguistics" for a lecture series on data elicitation of the Experimental Lab at the University of Bologna [URL]
2021-12-11: Johann-Mattis List gave an online presentation on the most recent improvements of the EDICTOR tool for handling etymological data in historical linguistics. [URL]
2021-12-27: Annika Tjuka, Robert Forkel, and Johann-Mattis List gave an online presentation introducing the NoRaRe database and a case study on ratings for arousal and valence at The Words in the World (WoW) International Conference. [URL]. [Video].
2021-10-25: Annika Tjuka gave a remote talk on "Patterns of body-object colexifications across languages" at the conference Emerging Topics in Typology (University of Helsinki, Finland). [URL]
2021-10-22: Johann-Mattis List gave a remote talk on "Evolutionary Aspects of Language Change" at the workshop Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines (Institut des Systèmes Complexes, Paris).
2021-09-06/09: Johann-Mattis List gave a Keynote Talk at the KONVENS 2021 conference in Düsseldorf. [URL]
2021-06-24/25: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk on Automated Detection of Borrowings in Multilingual Wordlist at the XVI традиционные чтения памяти С. А. Старостина (16th traditional conference in honor of S. A. Starostin).
2021-06-21/07-02: Roberto Zariquiey, Johann-Mattis List, Pilar Valenzuela, Simon Greenhill, and Russell Gray will gave talk at the SALSA conference, titled Testing new methods for Amazonian phylogenies: a case study on Pano [URL]
2021-06-14/18: CormacAnderson, Tiago Tresoldi, Johann-Mattis List, Simon J. Greenhill, Robert Forkel and Russel D. Gray gave a talk on Variation in phoneme inventories at a workshop on phoneme inventories organized as part of the International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics. [URL]
2021-05-31/06-04: Nicolás Brid, Cristina Messineo, and Johann-Mattis List gave a talk at the Amazonicas conference, titled Beyond structure: Towards an analysis of semantic patterns in the Gran Chaco [URL]
2021-05-17/22: Nicolás Brid, Cristina Messineo, and Johann-Mattis List gave a talk at the SAEL conference, titled Más allá de la estructura: análisis de patrones semánticos en lenguas del Gran Chaco (Beyond structure: Analysis of semantic patterns in the languages of the Gran Chaco area) [URL]
2021-05-19: Annika Tjuka gave a talk remotely at the 12th Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science - Linguistic & Cognitive Foundations of Meaning. [URL]
2021-05-05/06: Christoph Rzymski, Johann-Mattis List, and Robert Forkel gave a talk at the Research Data Management Workshop of the Max Planck Digital Library 2021. [URL]
2021-05-05/06: Johann-Mattis List participated in an open discussion on research data management (Podiumsdiskussion) at the Research Data Management Workshop of the Max Planck Digital Library 2021. [URL]
2021-02-24/26: Gerhard Jäger and Johann-Mattis List organized remotely a workshop on Model and evidence in quantitative comparative linguistics at the "Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft" (Johann-Mattis List could unfortunately not participate during the full workshop, so most of the concrete organization was done by Gerhard Jäger) [URL]
2021-02-15: Johann-Mattis List remotely presented his recent work in a talk in Gerhard Jäger's Oberseminar at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.
2020-12-12: Annika Tjuka gave a talk remotely on General patterns and language variation: Word frequencies across English, German, and Chinese at the 6th Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon Workshop (CogALex) at COLING 2020. [URL]
2020-12-09: Johann-Mattis List assisted Gerhard Jäger in presenting recent work on automated cognate detection virtually at the Universität Bielefeld.
2020-12-10/11: Johann-Mattis List presented his work on "Annotating Rhymes in Text" at the online conference "Recent advances in the study of Chinese rhyming practises in excavated documents" organized by Christopher Forster.
2020-11-16/20: Johann-Mattis List gave a virtual invited talk at the Kazan International Linguistic Summit on Challenges and Trends in World Linguistics.
2020-11-13: Nathanael E. Schweikhard gave a talk remotely on (Towards) a database of etymologically annotated concept lists at the Form and Meaning Conference. [URL]
2020-10-22/23: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk at The 15th Annual Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference on Comparative-Historical Linguistics (Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Higher School of Economics, Moscow).
2020-10-17: Annika Tjuka gave a talk remotely on The eye/ear of the needle – Cross-linguistic differences in body part extensions at the 1st Words in the World (WoW) International Conference. [URL]
2020-10-02/04: Yunfan Lai and Johann-Mattis List gave a virtual talk on The phylogeny of Gyalrongic at the International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics [URL]
2020-10-02/04: Taraka Rama and Johann-Mattis List gave a virtual talk on A retro-standardized version of the Linguistic Survey of India at the International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics [URL]
2020-09-23: Johann-Mattis List gave a keynote speech at CARLA 2020, the second international workshop on "Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application" in Bolzano. [URL]
2020-09-23-25: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk and help to co-organize the international virtual conference "Untangling the linguistic past of the Americas": Collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary approaches in an open science framework" in Lima (PUCP).
2020-09-20/21: Due to the pandemic, the tutorial on computational methods in lexical semantics at the CNRS summer school on "Semantic shifts from lexicon to grammar – diachronic and typological perspectives" in Porquerolles was canceled. [URL]
2020-06-17: Johann-Mattis List gave an online tutorial on the EDICTOR tool organized as part of the lecture series «Approximaciones computacionales a la diversidad lingüística» (PUCP, Peru).
2019-12-09/10: Nathan W. Hill and Johann-Mattis List originally planned on presenting a poster on «Experiments in the automatic induction of sound laws» at the 4th Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology (University of Edinburgh), but later had to cancel this.[URL]
2019-11-22: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk during the «Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften», titled Sprachen als Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit (Languages as keys to the past. [URL]
2019-09-11/12: Johann-Mattis List represented the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution at the international symposium of the Max Planck Society and the Universidad Nacional de Colombie in Bogotá (Columbia). [URL]
2019-08-22/23: Lai Yunfan gave two talks, one on plant terms (Plant terms as key to nominal morphology in Rgyalrongic languages: the cases of Brag-bar Situ and Khroskyabs, with Zhang Shuya) in Rgyalrongic languages and the other on ideophones in Khroskyabs ("Dissecting ideophones: towards a computer-assistedapproach (the case of Siyuewu Khroskyabs)") at the 5th Workshop on Sino-Tibetan languages in South-West China (Nankai University, Tianjin). [URL]
2019-08-21/22: Johann-Mattis List organized a workshop at the annual conference of the SLE in Leipzig. [URL]
2019-07-02: Johann-Mattis List was keynote speaker of the biennial International Conference of Historical Linguistics in Canberra. [URL] [HANDOUT]
2019-07-02/05: Simon Greenhill, Russell Gray, Johann-Mattis List, and Robert Forkel organized a workshop at the biennial International Conference of Historical Linguistics in Canberra. [URL]
2019-07-02: Mei-Shin Wu gave a talk on "Studying language contact in South East Asia with help of computer-assisted approaches" at the biennial International Conference of Historical Linguistics in Canberra. [URL]
2019-07-04: Tiago Tresoldi gave a talk on "Automatic Induction of Sound Laws from Cognates" at the biennial International Conference of Historical Linguistics in Canberra. [URL]
2019-07-04: Nathanael E. Schweikhard gave a talk titled "Towards a Database of Morpheme-Annotated Wordlists" at the biennial International Conference of Historical Linguistics in Canberra. [URL]
2019-06-10/11: Johann-Mattis List gave a lecture series on "Fundamentos de la comparación histórica y tipológica del lenguaje: enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos" (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires). [URL]
2019-05-30/06-01: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk on "Studying Language Contact within a Computer-Assisted Framework" at the 64th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association (Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires). [URL]
2019-05-30: Nathanael E. Schweikhard gave a talk on "Word tree reconciliation: Adopting biological methods and metaphors in historical linguistics" at the 27th GeSuS annual conference in Warsaw. [URL]
2019-05-22: Yunfan Lai gave a talk at Beijing Language and Culture University entitled "The phylogeny and homeland of Sino-Tibetan languages (汉藏语系的谱系和发源地)".
2019-05-21: Yunfan Lai gave talk at Peking University entitled "The phylogeny and homeland of Sino-Tibetan languages (汉藏语系的谱系和发源地)".
2019-05-16/17: Tiago Tresoldi gave a workshop on "Historical Linguistics: Origins, Comparative Method, and Perspectives" at the Institute of Language and Literature of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Porto Alegre (Brazil). [URL]
2019-05-17: Johann-Mattis List gave talk on "Open problems in computational diversity linguistics" as part of the Forschungskolloqium Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft at the Institute for Comparative Linguistics (University Zurich). [URL]
2019-05-12: Yunfan Lai gave a talk at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies. The talk is entitled "Stem alternation in Siyuewu Khroskyabs: Morphology, functions and Rgyalrongic comparison". [URL]
2019-05-06/2019-05-10: Taraka Rama was visiting the CALC group to collaborate on computational approaches in historical linguistics.
2019-05-02/03/04: Tiago Tresoldi gave a workshop on "New Computational Approaches in Historical Linguistics" at the ABRALIN50 Conference in Maceió (Brazil) [URL]
2019-04-29/2019-05-03: Timotheus A. Bodt was visiting the CALC group to collaborate on computer-assisted approaches to Kho-Bwa languages, on which Bodt did original fieldwork.
2019-03-29/30: Yunfan Lai was invited to Tokyo University to talk about orientation systems in Rgyalrongic languages.
2019-03-26/27: Mei-Shin Wu gave talk on "Workflows for computer-assisted language comparison" at the workshop on Recent Advances in Comparative Linguistic Reconstruction (SOAS, London). [URL] 2019-03-29: Yunfan Lai gave a talk entitled "Directional prefixes in Rgyalrongic: a new quantitative approach" at Tokyo University of Foreign studies. [URL]
2019-03-26/27: Mei-Shin Wu will gave talk on "Workflows for computer-assisted language comparison" at the workshop on Recent Advances in Comparative Linguistic Reconstruction (SOAS, London). [URL]
2019-03-25/26: Johann-Mattis List gave a remote talk on "Three Open Problems in Computational Historical Linguistics" at the The 14th Annual Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference on Comparative-Historical Linguistics (Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow). [URL]
2018-12-15: Tiago Tresoldi and Johann-Mattis List and gave a talk entitled Computer-Assisted Data Curation and Analysis for the Purpose of Historical and Typological Language Comparison at the "Fourth annual Symposium: Ancient Connections in Eurasia" [URL]
2018-12-15: Mei-Shin Wu gave a talk entitled Words and Genes of Sino-Tibetan Speakers at the "Fourth annual Symposium: Ancient Connections in Eurasia" [URL]
2018-10-04: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk on "Computer-assisted language comparison: Theory and practice" at the Instituto de Lingüística (Universidad de Buenos Aires).
2018-09-25: Yunfan Lai gave a talk entitled Rethinking the orientational prefixes in Rgyalrongic languages: The case of Siyuewu Khroskyabs at the conference "The 51st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (ICSLL 51, Kyoto University, Japan).
2018-09-25: Mei-Shin Wu gave a talk entitled The ancestry of Sino-Tibetan populations and languages at the conference "The 51st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (ICSLL 51, Kyoto University, Japan).
2018-09-26: Johann-Mattis List had a paper with Nathan Hill entitled A New Reconstruction of Proto-Burmish at the conference "The 51st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (ICSLL 51, Kyoto University, Japan).
2018-09-24: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk on "Chances and Challenges of Computer-Assisted Approaches in the Humanities (from the Perspective of a Historical Linguist)" at the Instituto de Filología y Literaturas Hispánicas "Dr. Amado Alonso (Universidad de Buenos Aires). [URL]
2018-09-19: Johann-Mattis List gave a lecture on "Computer-Assisted Approaches to Lexical Language Comparison" at the Segundas Jornadas de Lingüística Computational Para Idiomas Amerindios (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).
2018-09-15: Cormac Anderson gave a talk on "Modelling sound change with help of multi-tiered sequence representations" at the workshop The cultural evolution of language: Models and methods by Tiago Tresoldi, Cormac Anderson, and Johann-Mattis List (organized as part of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting). [URL]
2018-09-05: Yunfan Lai gave a talk on the empathy hierarchy in the morphosyntax of Khroskyabs at the 8th conference on Syntax of the World's Languages.
2018-08-27/28: Tiago Tresoldi represented the group at the Working Group "Lexical Semantics, Language and Universal Translators" of the Santa Fe Institute.
2018-08-13/18: Johann-Mattis List and Tiago Tresoldi were invited to take part in the interdisciplinary workshop Distinguishability in Genealogical Phylogenetic Networks, hosted by the Lorentz Center (Leiden). [URL]
2018-08-04: Lai Yunfan gave a talk entitled 綽斯甲語的動物呼喚聲 (Animal calling sounds in Khroskyabs) at 藏語語言學會議 (Conference on Tibetan linguistics) held at Shanghai Normal University.
2018-08-03: Lai Yunfan gave a lecture entitled 綽斯甲語的人稱範疇 (Argument indexation in Khroskyabs) at 第三屆漢藏語言研究方法暑期工作坊 (3rd Workshop on the research methodology of Sino-Tibetan languages), held at Shanghai Normal University.
2018-07-30/08-03: Tim Bodt was visiting our group for one week to work with us on his Kho-Bwa language data.
2018-07-13: Tiago Tresoldi, Mei-Shin Wu, Nathanael E. Schweikhard, Yunfan Lai, and Johann-Mattis List gave a talk at the Workshop Historical and Comparative Linguistics in Jena, held at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History (Jena). [URL]
2018-07-12/14: Johann-Mattis List took part in the Young Scholars Symposium of the Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics (Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei). [URL]
2018-06-27/28: Johann-Mattis List gave invited talk at the Workshop Semantic maps: Where do we stand and where are we going?, held at Liège Université (Liège). [URL]
2018-05-30: Yunfan Lai gave an invited talk at Shanghai Jiaotong University (China): 绰斯甲语俄热话的混合引语 (Hybrid speech in Wobzi Khroskyabs).
2018-04-26/27: Workshop "Old Chinese and Friends: Advances in the Reconstruction of Old Chinese Phonology" to be organized by CALC at the DLCE (MPI-SHH, Jena). [URL]
2018-03-23/24: Johann-Mattis List will give an invited talk at the conference Trees and what to do with them: Phylogenetics and other statistical approaches to linguistic diversity, held at the University of Tübingen. [URL].
2018-03-14: Johann-Mattis List will give a talk at the Kolloquium of the Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) on the topic Analogies, Transfer, and Adaptation: Interdisciplinary Research on Evolutionary Dynamics in Linguistics and Biology. [URL]
2018-02-09: Yunfan Lai and Johann-Mattis List gave a talk at the workshop "Perspectives on low-resource language varieties". [URL].
2018-01-20: Johann-Mattis List gave a talk at the Salon Sophie Charlotte 2018 organized by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin). [URL]
2017-12-14: Yunfan Lai gave a talk on "Semi-direct speech in Wobzi Khroskyabs" at the 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT) at the Arc Center for the Dynamics of Language (Canberra, Australia).
2017-11-13/14: Nathan W. Hill and Johann-Mattis List gave a talk on "Data management in the reconstruction of proto Burmish" as part of the workshop on Data Management in Asian Humanities and Social Sciences organized by SOAS (London). [URL]
2017-10-24: Johann-Mattis List gave an invited talk on "Using networks to infer sound-correspondence patterns across multiple languages" at a Symposium on Network Approaches in Evolutionary Sciences at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris).
2017-10-21: Johann-Mattis List gave an invited talk on "Computer-assisted language comparison" at the Annual Meeting of Nankai Linguistic Society (Tianjin).
2017-09-21: Panel at the German Orientalists' Day (Deutscher Orientalistentag) in Jena on "Languages as Keys to Our Past" (together with Simon Greenhill). [URL]
2017-09-18: Workshop at the Poznan Linguistic Meeting 2017 on "Phonological Representation (together with Cormac Anderson, Paul Heggarty, Adrian Simpson). [URL]
Persons in Our Research Projects
Prof. Dr. Johann-Mattis List (Lab Leader)
[MORE]Diana Roth (Head of Administration)
[MORE]Members of the Chair of Multilingual Computational Linguistics (Passau)
Dr. Kellen Parker van Dam (Chair Assistant, Passau)
[MORE]Independent Research Group EVINE (ERC Project, Passau)
Dr. Christian Bentz (Research Group Leader, Passau)
[MORE]Members of the Research Group ProduSemy (ERC Project, Passau)
Dr. Luca Ciucci (Post-Doc, Passau)
[MORE]Dr. Anna Di Natale (Post-Doc, Passau, currently on leave)
[MORE]Katja Bocklage (Doctoral Student, Passau)
[MORE]Alžběta Kučerová (Doctoral Student, Passau)
[MORE]Arne Rubehn (Doctoral Student, Passau)
[MORE]David Snee (Doctoral Student, Passau)
[MORE]Members of the CALC³ Project (Leipzig)
Frederic Blum (Doctoral Student, Leipzig)
[MORE]International and Independent Doctoral Students
Michele Pulini (Doctoral Student, Venice)
[MORE]Nicolás Brid (Doctoral Student, Buenos Aires)
[MORE]Carlos Barrientos Ugarte (Doctoral Student, Leipzig)
[MORE]External Associates
Dr. Jessica Nieder (Malta)
[MORE]Dr. Annika Tjuka (post-doc, Leipzig)
[MORE]Student Assistants
Riccardo Pascal Rost (student assistant, Passau)
[MORE]Eva Müller (student assistant, Passau)
[MORE]Former Members
Dr. John Miller (former PhD student, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Perú)
[MORE]Mathilda van Zantwijk (former student assistant, Leipzig)
[MORE]Dr. Cristian Juárez (former post-doc, Leipzig)
[MORE]Dr. Matthias Pache (former Post-Doc, Passau)
[MORE]Viktor Martinović (former PhD student, Vienna)
[MORE]Dr. Tiago Tresoldi (former Post-Doc, CALC, Jena)
[MORE]Dr. Yunfan Lai (former Post-Doc, CALC, Jena)
[MORE]Nathanael E. Schweikhard (former PhD student, CALC, Jena)
[MORE]Dr. Mei-Shin Wu (former Doctoral Student, CALC, Jena)
[MORE]Ilya Chechuro (former PhD student, IMPRS, Jena)